About us

About us
SANDSHIP has, since it was founded in 1949, dealt with ship operations and selling sand and gravel.
The company owns and operates cargo vessels and the main office is in Fuglafjørður, Faroe Islands.
The sand and gravel operation and the mechanical workshop are also located in Fuglafjørður and our large storage facility is in the village of Toftir where we offer our customers storage solutions.
A large part of our business is to sell and freight raw materials for production of concrete and asphalt.
The company also has other activities but in short, the company’s activities can be divided in these main groups:
- Transport by sea with our own or leased vessels
- Sale of materials for concrete and asphalt producers, entrepreneurs, private customers etc.
- Pumping sand and rubble
- Fish feed logistics
- Agency operations
Approximately 50 people work at SANDSHIP.